1. Et cetera (etc.)
Et cetera的缩写是etc. 相信很多人在某个地方都听到过或看到过。Et cetera的意思相对明了简单,在中文中可以理解为“等等”或者“其他类似的东西”,在英文中可以理解为 ”So on and so forth” 或者 “of the same kind”。当大家在口语交流中和学术写作中要用到et cetera的时候,可以参考以下几个例子来决定用法是否合适:
下面两个例子是在写作当中使用到的et cetera的形式,在写作当中你需要缩写et cetera。并且至关重要的是你不应该在etc.前面加入and,因为et相当于是and。
Example 1: He told me many things about his work, such as promotion, salary, paid leave, etc.
Example 2: Students are expected to bring their essentials, including toothbrush, lunchbox, clothes, etc.
在口语当中,你需要将et cetera的音节全部发音。
Example: Crime goes hand in hand with poverty, bad parenting style, trauma, mental disorders, et cetera.
在这里的et cetera等同于so on and so forth,意思是等等或其他一系列的东西。
2. Vice versa
Vice versa的意思”it is true the other way around“,中文可以理解为“反过来也一样”或者“反之亦然”。在运用之前可以参考以下的例子:
Example 1: Scholastic outcome is a reliable predictor of one’s intelligence, and vice versa.
Example 2: He is proud of his daughter, and vice versa.
Example 3: He is not proud of his daughter, or vice versa。
大家可以看到在这里的vice versa之前都有一个连接词“and”或者“or”,在学术写作中,请注意大多数时候vice versa之前都需要加一个连接词 (or, and, nor, etc.).
3. Exempli gratia (e.g.)
Exempli gratia,缩写为e.g.,意思是for example。这估计是大家最常见到的英语中的拉丁语应用之一。
Example: There are many values embedded in American culture, e.g., freedom, individualism.
There are many values embedded in American culture (e.g., freedom, individualism).
4. Id est (i.e.)
Id est,缩写为i.e.,意思是that is或者in other words,大家可以理解为i.e.后面的内容是给前面的内容做解释。
Example: He decides to go there, i.e., auditorium.
Example: He decides to go there (i.e., auditorium).
5. Per se
Per se没有缩写,中文意思可以理解为“本质上”或者“就他/她/它/来说”。英文意思则是“by its nature”或者“in itself”。相对以上几种拉丁短语来说,per se的使用稍复杂,大家可以参考以下例子来试图理解per se的用法:
Example 1: He is not my enemy per se; he is just a friend of my enemy.
Example 2: He is not a bad person per se; he is just careless sometimes.
Example 3: Learning spoken English is not hard per se. Rather, it is the amount of exposure to a natural English-speaking environment that dictates how well a learner grasp different aspects of spoken English.
使用per se时,不需要刻意使用某种标点符号。Per se在以上例子中以及现实使用中大部分处于句子最后,根据写作情况加入标点符号,句号,或者分号即可。
6. Status quo
Status quo没有缩写,中文意思可以理解为“现状”或者“一个事物或人现在的情况”,英文意思是“the current/existing state of things”或者“the current situation”。让我们一起来看一些status quo的例子:
Example 1: He would rather maintain the status quo than doing anything to improve it.
Example 2: There is voice expressing the desire to change the status quo.
Example 3: The political status quo is what further jeopardizes this country.
在使用status quo时,请注意在它前面加入the,如有形容词(如Example 3所示),the需要加在形容词前面。
7. De facto
De facto英文意思是“in fact”,“in reality”,或者“essentially”,中文意思可以理解为“事实上”或“本质上”。下面是一些de facto使用的例子:
Example 1: The convicted felon is a de facto innocent man.
Example 2: The allegations made by the authority are de facto false accusations.
Example 3: The de facto freedom is soon to be gained.
De facto通常在句子中间,可做副词或形容词。
8. Ad hoc
Ad hoc英文意思是“for this”,“made for a particular purpose or immediate need without planning”。中文可以理解为“专门为…设计的/组成的/成立的/”,通常情况下,ad hoc的使用表示某个东西是没有经过事先准备的,临时的。下面是一些ad hoc的例句:
Example 1: An emergency response team was created ad hoc to meet the demand.
Example 2: This is an ad hoc committee for the humanitarian crises in this country.
Example 3: We will find new recruits on an ad hoc basis。
可以看到,ad hoc通常处于句子中间,可做副词或形容词。
9. Per capita
Per capita的意思简单明了,在英文中是指“per person”,中文意思是每一个人。下面是一些per capita的例句:
Example 1: A revenue of one million dollars gives us an income of 1000 dollars per capita.
Example 2: The nation’s average monthly living expense has skyrocketed over the last year, roughly 2000 dollars per capita.
Example 3: The per capita income was around 500 dollars in 1999.
10. Sui generis
Sui generis的意思直接,可理解为“special”,“of its own kind”,或中文:“特别的”,“独一无二的”。例句:
Example 1: Her paintings are sui generis.
Example 2: His ethics are sui generis to people in his line of work.
11.Pro bono (pro bono publico)
Pro bono在英文中的意思是“for public good”或者“for free or at a lower cost”,中文可以理解为“公益的”。例句:
Example 1: He worked as pro bono legal consultant for years.
Example 2: We offer pro bono services to the public.
12. Bona fide
Bona fide的意思是“genuine”,“in good faith”或者“real”。中文可以理解为“真实的”或者“真实的且有良好用意的”。以下是一些例句:
Example 1: Their products are bona fide.
Example 2: My bona fides were of little value to their greedy business.
大家可以看到,在Example 2里面,bona fide结尾加入了一个s,在这里,bona fides变作了名词形式,意思是真诚与诚实。Bona fide可以做形容词或名词使用,作名词时一定要记住加入s。
13. A priori
A priori的意思是“deduced from theories rather than experience or observation”或者“theoretical(ly)”。中文可以理解为“理论上的”。以下是一些例句:
Example 1: Him viewing that the person’s upbringing is the most important factor in this case is merely an a priori assumption.
Example 2: Upbringing may play an important role, but it cannot be assumed a priori.
在Example 1里面,a priori作形容词,在Example 2里面,a priori作副词。这是a priori的两种词性。
14. A posteriori
A posteriori的意思是“deduced from experience or observation”或“based on facts”。中文可以理解为“基于现实观察,经历,和事实基础上的”。当你理解了a priori的意思后理解a posteriori的意思就非常容易了。A posteriori同样也可以作副词或形容词使用。
Example 1: The evidence can be argued a posteriori because it was yielded a priori.
Example 2: People saying that all drugs are highly addictive can hardly count as an a posteriori argument.