The assessment for this module is through the design of a poster accompanied with an
explanatory report. The poster should be designed for display in any of the learning ecologies
associated with education (e.g., school, library, community). The poster should demonstrate the application of Bronfenbrenner’s model to the chosen aspect of education in practice.
The poster and the report will be assessed as a single assignment (i.e., Distinction, Pass, Fail).
The poster should:
. introduce the potential and relevance of the Bronfenbrenner model in your particular field
. communicate to an audience of your choosing [colleagues / parents / policymakers] (Advisory / Guide to Practice / Informative / Instructive)
. illustrate a topic relevant to your education sphere from any of the sessions covered to date on the course, for instance transitions or another topic of relevance
. locate the topic within the Bronfenbrenner framework
. identify tools, interventions, and strategies that might be useful in practice
. include links to relevant resources for those wanting (a) a brief reference and (b) for those looking for a more in-depth study
This is not an assessment of your graphic skills and so you can use any style. The poster should be designed for display, and should be uncluttered and clear in both content and visuals.
You must also submit a 2500 word research-informed explanatory leaflet to accompany the poster – which explains the idea and elaborates the research behind it.
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The poster will be considered across four attributes, each of which is considered to be extremely important in a good poster. These attributes are as follows:
1. Content:
. The ‘completeness’ and quality of the background reading material cited and the research carried out for the poster.
. The extent to which the poster demonstrates understanding of the main issues.
. The extent to which the poster demonstrates that you have been able to evaluate the topic critically.
. The extent to which you have been able to compare and integrate key findings and ideas, and have been able to use this evidence in an effective manner.
2. Focus:
. The extent to which you have understood and addressed the topic, question, or the main
issue at hand in a well thought-out and focused manner.
3. Structure:
. The coherence of the poster, the extent to which it demonstrates an orderly sequencing of ideas and discussion points, the presence of well constructed phases such as an
introduction, intermediate parts, and conclusion (even though these are not identified by
specific headings).
4. Expression:
. The general writing style of the poster, its clarity, smoothness, economy of expression, the extent to which the poster demonstrates your ability to present arguments related to the question in a well reasoned, fair, and unbiased manner.
. The extent to which you have articulated your own ideas on the issue at hand in an original and innovative manner.
代写老师为适应同学的选择,最后将主题确定为了小升初的挑战 (challenges involved in primary to secondary school transition)

Step 1: 通过微信,Facebook,或Telegram联系我们;
Step 2:将要求,资料发送给客服。确定截止时间与目标成绩;
Step 3:通过WeChat,Alipay,淘宝等方式付款;
Step 4:与写手老师一对一沟通,随时监督进度,提出意见;
Step 5:论文交付,赠送Turnitin查重报告,AI报告;
Step 6:7天内进行免费合理修改;
Step 7:出成绩(如不达标全额退款)。