Feminism & Race (女权主义) 代写案例
Feminism & Race论文要求
Assessment information: Second(85%)
Final Essay: 3,500 words in length, inclusive of 100-word abstract but notincluding references.
Your essay must engage in a feminist analysis of a media “text” of your choice(an advertising campaign, television show, social media account, flm, podcastetc.). in it, you will apply the theories, frameworks, and concepts we havestudied while also bringing in an intersectional critique (gender, sexuality, race orclass). lt must include a minimum of 15 peer reviewed academic sources, 3-4 ofthese must come from the course (required or recommended readings). You canalso draw on secondary media sources like blogs, independent research, newscoverage, magazine articles etc. (this does not count as part of the 15 peer-reviewed sources as they are not academic)Your research paper should clearly identify the topic of your essay, but alsosuggest a thesis or argument you wish to make, or an answer to a centralresearch question. lt is a good idea to set up the basic argument of the essay atthe end of the introduction; this makes it clear to your reader what claim you areattempting to make and keep you accountable to it.
由米凯拉·科尔创作的广受好评的黑色喜剧《我可能会毁了你》被描述为“黑皮肤的黑人女性重新发起 Me Too 运动”。 (一辆自行车-íyímídé,2020)黄金时段艾美奖和英国电影和电视艺术学院奖获奖剧集首次在2020 年 6 月,探讨主角阿拉贝拉如何度过康复之路与朋友外出过夜后,被一名白人男子刺伤和性侵犯后的旅程。其核心主题是种族、性取向、性别以及它们如何交叉解决所解决的关键问题根据黑人女权主义理论。本文将通过使用以下内容来评估该系列情节中如何描述和解决性侵犯黑人女权主义理论作为分析工具。这样做的目的是确定以下内容:如何银幕内外的交叉性挑战了当前的权力等级制度,如何解放黑人妇女免受基于性别的压迫,因此必须消除黑人妇女所面临的压迫所有其他社会群体,以及黑人女权主义思想如何影响当代文化和行动主义。
提起Intersectionality,不得不提的一个名字就是Kimberlé Crenshaw。1959年在俄亥俄州Canton出生的Crenshaw在拿到康奈尔大学的本科学历,哈佛的博士学历后,在UCLA和哥伦比亚大学任教,并投身于civil rights,性别问题,和种族问题的研究。事实上,intersectionality是风靡全球大学教育的一个概念。无论你是社会学、心理学、人类学、法学、媒体等人文社科专业还是理科专业但是在学习通识课程,你大概率都会在某一个时间听到Crenshaw的名字,引用她在1989发表的关于种族与性别交叉jeopardise特定社会人口的文献。
此essay获得了high distinction的成绩。
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